
Creating spaces and experiences that show students they are seen, known, and loved.

During middle school and high school, young people continue discovering who they are and what they believe. At CPC, we walk with students on this journey, empowering them to grow lifelong relationships with Jesus and with one another. We value the curiosity and energy students bring as part of our community, and we are committed to helping them know their worth, experience belonging, and be open to how God is moving in their lives.

Student Groups

We help students grow their faith through special events and mentoring relationships with adult leaders.

Student Ministry Highlights

Summer Camps

Each age group attends their own week-long summer camp. Full of friends, fun, and faith formation, camps are one of our students’ favorite of parts of the year.

Registration opens on January 25 at 9:00AM!
Visit our events page to register.

Student Leadership

The Student Leadership program at CPC is designed to develop and disciple high school students in leadership and active participation in the family of God. Incoming 9th - 12th graders have the opportunity to apply to be a part of various ministries at CPC. Applications are open now until April 15.

Click Here to Apply

Student Team

Serve Our Students

We’re always looking for new people who want to make a difference by building relationships with students that show them they are loved—by God and by our church.

Sign Up to Serve