
Extending care, connection, and belonging to women of all ages.

Through our multigenerational Women’s Ministry program, we provide events, classes, and small groups to connect and care for one another as we journey through life and experience how God is moving.

Upcoming Women's Events

Women’s Ministry Classes

We offer ongoing classes for women to gather in community, study Scripture, and grow relationships with one another and with Jesus. Our current offerings include:

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Moms Ministries

Through several recurring groups, we invite moms of all ages to build connection, process challenges, and encourage one another in life and faith.

Mom's Morning

Wednesdays | 9:30-11:15AM

Large Group – 2nd and 4th Wednesdays

Large Group mornings include time to connect with other moms and hear speakers reflect on topics related to parenting and faith.

Small Group – 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays

Small Group mornings allow time for moms to connect more deeply with one another, share openly about life, read Scripture, and prayerfully support one another.

Kids programming available at both Large Group and Small Group.

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Mom's Evening

One Thursday Each Month | 7-8:30PM

Mom’s Evening Group takes place once a month for moms of all life stages to engage in a time of connection and supportive conversations about faith, motherhood, and calling.

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iMPACt (Moms Praying for Adult Children)

Mondays | 5:30-6:30PM | Fireside room

iMPACt is a community of care where moms engage in prayer for their adult children. This is a comfortable space for those newer to group prayer. All are welcome to come as your schedule allows. This group meets year round.

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