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The Everyday Plan

May 26, 2024

June 30, 2024

The good news of the Gospel isn’t just that God has saved us from something, but that he’s also saved us for something.  As followers of Jesus, we’ve been invited to take part in the work that God is doing to make all things new.  Since Adam and Eve, people were created to do God’s work in the world, and throughout scripture, God chooses unexpected and unworthy people to be part of sharing the good news with everyone, everywhere.  Despite their doubts, fears, and questions, God always promises to be with them and to equip them with his own strength to do the work he has set before them.  Through these stories, we’ll see how God is gracious enough to use broken people to do extraordinary things and will consider what God might be inviting us to step into in faith.

In this series:
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A Message from Pastor Petey