Kids' Choir Registration (Spring 2025)

April 6-May 18




Join us, starting April 6, for the Spring 2025 module of our CPC Kids’ Choir.

The choir is open to grades 1-7, and meets on Sundays from 10:00-10:50AM in the Choir Room (basement level). Regardless of what service you normally attend, your kids can participate in choir during the Community@10 and parents can attend a class, or have some community time in the Commons.

Our Kids’ Choir Director, Chelsea Zellner, brings a wealth of musical skill and knowledge, and loves kids (and Jesus)! Chelsea is excited to be leading our CPC children in learning more about faith and worshiping God through shared musical experiences. We hope your children will be able to join us!

Here is the rehearsal and presentation schedule for the Winter module:

  • 4/6       10AM rehearsal in Choir Room
  • 4/13     10AM Rehearsal in Choir Room
  • 4/20     No rehearsal - Happy Easter!
  • 4/27     10AM rehearsal in Choir Room
  • 5/4       10AM rehearsal in Choir Room
  • 5/11      10AM rehearsal in Choir Room
  • 5/13     Tuesday - 5:45 pizza party, 6:30-7:00 rehearsal
  • 5/18        9:00AM sing in worship

Singers are encouraged to attend all rehearsals – a maximum of one absence per month is allowed for this module.

Parents should accompany their kids directly to the Choir Room for the 10:00AM rehearsal and pick them up there at 10:50AM on Sundays. Choir check-in will happen in the room rather than at Family Check-in.
There is no cost to register, so invite your friends to join you in the CPC Kids’ Choir!