"The Gospel Moves Through You to Your Grandkids"
Presenter: Pastor James Madsen
This group offers connection and encouragement on the grandparenting journey. We gather one Thursday night a month to learn and build community with other grandparents.
Join us for our final Grandparenting with Purpose event for the spring on April 24 from 6:30-8:00PM in Westview. Pastor James Madsen will share with us how the Gospel moves in you to then reach your grandchildren. He will talk about how to keep the Gospel fresh in your own heart in such a way that the Gospel will grow in your family. The Gospel is always moving! As the Gospel is renewed in us daily, it flows out of us to others. We will talk about four skills to help us point grandkids to Jesus.
This is a free event, but your registration helps us plan appropriately.
About our Presenter:
James Madsen is one of the pastors on the Groups Team and has been at CPC since 2008. He is passionate about helping believers experience the Gospel in their everyday life. His wife, Anna, works on the Gospel Renewal team at Serge, an international missions organization that is Gospel-centered. They have three boys and two black labs.