Grandparenting with Purpose

January 16




"What I Want My Grandchildren to Know"
Presenter: Jim Doudiet

This group offers connection and encouragement on the grandparenting journey. We gather one Thursday night a month to learn and build community with other grandparents.

Jim Doudiet, author of The Best Ideas I’ve Ever Heard: What I want My Grandchildren to Know, will share the importance of passing along family stories and history to your grandchildren. You will be equipped with practical skills in story telling and passing along your wisdom.

This is a free event, but your registration helps us plan appropriately.

About our Presenter:

Jim Doudiet is a father, grandfather and friend who has lived long enough to have some observations about life to share with his readers. During his life he has been a financial executive, a consultant, and church member. Jim and his wife Jan have been long-time members of CPC.