




Every day, and everywhere, the Gospel invites us to be open to what Jesus can do in our lives. At CPC, we seek to be people who explore the possibilities together.

Join us on Sundays




Traditional Service


Contemporary Service

At CPC, we want to be a people and a church


The Gospel is the Good News of Jesus’ sacrificial love for all people. It is the living, active power of God that transforms lives—and every day offers an invitation to open ourselves to the limitless possibilities of what God’s love can do in and through us.

A First Step

Explore questions about life and faith.

Being open starts with asking honest questions. Alpha classes offer a welcoming, nonjudgmental space to have conversations with others curious about Christianity.

Learn About Alpha
Get Connected

Experience CPC’s community life.

We gather regularly as a community for a variety of events to learn, grow, and connect. We’d love for you to join us.

Explore Events

The Gospel is moving at CPC. Hear stories from members of our community.

View All Stories
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If I approach God with openness and honesty then I have nothing to fear, and so much to gain."
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What I see is all the beauty of God working through our congregation and how He’s showing up every single week."
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Integrating my faith into my work gives me a refreshed freedom."
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I want to try to spread that love that I know was spread to me from God."
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God and the Gospel are moving through the power of invitation."
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After starting, Alpha quickly became our kids’ favorite night of the week!"
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At the end of the day, Jesus desires a personal relationship with each of us and to walk alongside us."
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I love inviting people, I love connecting people, it’s one of my favorite things to do. I love watching people grow."
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The beautiful, unchangeable truth about what God has done for us, always stays the same!"
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Life is not about things, it's all about relationships."
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Find Your Place

There is a place for you to belong at CPC, no matter where you are in your life or spiritual journey.

Because the Gospel moves we can be open to

accept forgiveness
shift priorities
tell the truth
confess sin
receive grace
accept forgiveness
shift priorities
tell the truth
confess sin
receive grace
accept forgiveness
shift priorities
tell the truth
confess sin
receive grace
accept forgiveness
shift priorities
tell the truth
confess sin
receive grace

Join us for Easter at CPC

Click Here for Memorial Service Livestream