As you wrap up your senior year and look forward to a new season, join us for a special weekend away at Castaway in Detroit Lakes, MN. Our senior spring retreat will include time to hang out with friends, reflect on the last four years, and unique senior-only experiences. It is a weekend you won't want to miss.
The registration fee of $285 includes transportation, cabins and meals at Castaway camp, a retreat shirt, and all the experiences on the retreat.
We will meet at CPC at 5:30PM on Friday, April 11 and return to CPC between 1:00-2:00PM on Sunday, April 713 Dinner is not included on Friday night so please have your student eat before arriving. Students are also welcome to bring a bag dinner and/or snacks with them. Packing list to follow.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Erica Ferris at