"...looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith." Hebrews 12:2
Join us for a special night where we will explore what it means to integrate our faith into our everyday lives. Because we desire to be a community of people who are open to how the Gospel moves, we look to Jesus to form us in all areas of our lives, including our purpose and calling, relationships, health and wellbeing, and finances.
At this event we will hear engaging speakers on these topics and more. We’ll enjoy dinner and intentional conversation around tables as we process what we are learning. This will be a wonderful opportunity to connect in community with other women.
Opening Talk | Purpose & Calling
Breakout Sessions
When you register, you will choose one of these talks:
- Relationships
- Health and Wellness
Closing Talk | Faith & Finances
The cost for this event is $20. If paying $20 prevents you from attending or inviting others, please use this discount code to register at no cost: FREE.