1:1 Spiritual Conversations

March 9-April 8

Sundays at noon or Tuesdays at 7:00PM


Register here for Sundays at noon ($25 covers lunch for 5 weeks)
Register here for Tuesdays at 7:00PM (no cost)

We want to see the Gospel move in our lives through intentional practices of relationship. At CPC we call these relationships "spiritual companionships." A spiritual companion is a person who you meet with regularly to have natural and honest conversations about your faith. We know that developing these rhythms of relationship and having conversations about faith can be challenging.

During the first five weeks of Lent, we are offering regular weekly gatherings where a pastor will provide a series of conversation starters to support you and your spiritual companion as you begin talking about your faith together. The questions will range from lighter, easier questions to deeper, more challenging questions, and you will be able to choose whichever you are most comfortable responding to. This is not a traditional class -- you will not hear a lesson about the sermon or engage in small group discussion. Rather, this is a time for you to meet once a week with your spiritual companion in a low-stakes, very supportive environment to connect and share about what God is doing in your life.

Our hope is that you will sign up with someone who you are already comfortable talking to about your faith. However, if you don’t yet have a spiritual companion or a trusted person to join you, we’ll have group conversations for those who come on their own. This will be a great opportunity to meet new people and engage in conversation in a welcoming, inviting environment.

We hope that these gatherings will support our congregation as we continue to encourage our members to pursue intentional relationships. As we grow in the practice of spiritual companionship, we pray that our community will draw together in new ways that are fueled by the Gospel's movement in our lives.