Grandparenting with Purpose

February 13



“Expert Strategies on Relating to Your Grandkids”
Presenters: Danise McMillen & Joe Bustamante

This group offers connection and encouragement on the grandparenting journey. We gather one Thursday night a month to learn and build community with other grandparents.

Join us on February 13 with CPC’s Danise McMillen, Director of Kids Ministries, and Joe Bustamante, Pastor of Student Ministries, for an engaging evening just for grandparents! Danise is a top notch expert in interacting with kids. Joe is full of wisdom when it comes to relating to tweens and teens. Together, they will share strategies to build strong relationships with toddler to young adult grandchildren, help you to point grandkids to Jesus, and how to come alongside grandchildren to provide guidance, wisdom, a listening ear. You don’t want to miss this special evening!

This is a free event, but your registration helps us plan appropriately.