Christmas at CPC Heading

Embrace the joy of the Advent season with us.

Christmas Service Times

Wednesday, December 18


Kids Christmas

Monday, December 23





Tuesday, December 24








Late Night Contemporary

*Kids programming is available birth-3 years. Register your child(ren).

Sensory Friendly Space

This year you can also join us in Fireside, our sensory-friendly room, where we will be streaming our services. CPC’s aim is to create a comfortable and accommodating atmosphere for everyone to feel at ease while celebrating Christmas.

2024 Christmas Offering


FreedomWorks is a Minneapolis based non-profit working to provide faith-based ReEntry and Recovery programs focused on those released from incarceration, leading to life transformation in Jesus Christ. Upon release from incarceration, a former offender is left with many obstacles to overcome, and often has no job, no home, very little money, and few opportunities for a better life. Faced with these realities, many fall back into crime because they see no other options. People who go back to the same place, hang out with the same friends, and do the same activities often get the same result: more prison. Right now, the national average for returning to prison within three years is 65%. At FreedomWorks, the graduates have a rate of under 8%. Freedom Works’ six to nine month ministry process focuses on helping former offenders reconnect to their family, their faith, full-time employment, the recovery community, and the local church.

Give to Christmas Offering
Advent Reflection Cards

FreedomWorks Christmas Offering

Every gift impacts the ministry of FreedomWorks to help former offenders who are returning to society from incarceration reconcile to God, family, and community.

Ways to Give
Online: Select Christmas Offering in SecureGive
Checks: Add 'Christmas Offering' to check memo
Text to Give: Text Christmas, a space, and amount (for example: Christmas 20) to 952.522.2223

Group of men singing in a choir.
Group of people standing in front of a sunset.

Donation Drive

December 1-29

Drop your new (not used) items off in the Great Room at CPC.

- Twin XL bedsheets
- Bath towels
- Men's winter jackets (L-3XL)
- Men's winter hats
- Men's winter gloves
- Men's briefs & boxer briefs (L-3XL)

Christmas Service Livestream

Engage Further